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Interessengemeinschaft der Opfer von Elektro-Waffen

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USA: Wichtiges Geheimdokument jetzt veröffentlicht

19.02.2008 01:33:59
Wie schon öfters aufgezeigt, werden in den USA immer wieder Fakten über Mikrowellen-Waffen und deren Auswirkungen auf Menschen bekannt, während in Deutschland von staatlicher Seite versucht wird, eine Mauer des Schweigens vor dieser Realität zu errichten.

Hochrelevant in Hinblick auf Waffeneinsatz und biologische Effekte von Mikrowellenstrahlung / Radio Frequency / Directed Energy, Einfluss auf Gehirn, Mikrowellenhören, Vortäuschung von Schizophrenie, Mindcontrol. Eine hervorragende Belegquelle: [blog.wired.com]
siehe auch: Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia [blog.wired.com]
Siehe auch Artikel: Psycho-Waffe - Sprachübertragung direkt ins Gehirn [www.krone.at]

Ausserdem bin ich auf ein weiteres sehr wichtiges Dokument zur Thematik (2004)- einschliesslich der through-the-wall-technology / durch Wände strahlen und sehen - gestossen:
EPIC (Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control)
The Marine Corps has a requirement for a non-destructive stun weapon that would render a hostile war fighter ineffective for a period of time. There is significant political and military interest in such a capability. In addition, the ability to remotely incapacitate a human being without permanent damage would be a landmark event in the field of civil law enforcement. The desirability of waging bloodless war to counter threats to national security is virtually limitless since both military and civil authority could determine a priori when and if loss of human life is necessary. IVC proposes to investigate the use of beamed RF energy to excite and interrupt the normal process of human hearing and equilibrium. The focus will be in two areas. (1) Interruption of the mechanical transduction process by which sound and position (relative to gravity) are converted to messages that are processed by the brain. (2) Interruption of the chemical engine which sustains the proper operation of the nerve cells that respond to the mechanical transduction mechanisms referenced in item (1). Interruption of either or both of these processes has been clinically shown to produce complete disorientation and confusion. Second order effects would be extreme motion sickness.
This RFP asks for a weapon that can “temporarily incapacitate” a human threat as a point or area target. In short, a Star Trek hand-held Phaser Weapon set on “Stun”. It would be the ultimate in individual weaponry providing an individual war fighter with the ability to reduce an opponent to helplessness while doing no permanent damage. The requirement also states the need for the weapon to operate through walls and other protective mediums that now provide cover for combatants in urban warfare situations. This capability would increase the effectiveness of a war-fighter in urban combat for two reasons: (1) the enemy could be engaged and neutralized through a wall; and (2) the damage of friendly fire mistakes would be minimized since on permanent damage would be done by the stun weapons. The civilian applications of such a weapon would be a landmark event in law enforcement. The civil authority could always protect themselves from lethal threats while still delivering targets to the justice system unharmed. Further, the critical decision now placed on law enforcement as to whether or not lethal responses are necessary could be virtually eliminated since use of the “stun” weapon could neutralize a perceived threat without permanent damage.
Keywords EM fields, cell chemistry, Inner Ear, Radiation
Ähnliche deutsche Projekte gab und gibt es, nur erfährt die Bevölkerung in Deutschland von offizieller Seite darüber kein Wort!

5 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 20.02.2008 00:34 von Dr. Munzert.
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USA: Wichtiges Geheimdokument jetzt veröffentlicht

Dr. Munzert 6938 19.02.2008 01:33:59

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