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Re: Enthüllung: 1/2011 Zunehmende Bedeutung von Mikrowellen-Waffen und Directed Energy Weapons(Update)

02.01.2011 12:40:47
Die wichtigste Enthüllungsplattform ist die Realität!

Enthüllung: 1/2011: Zunehmende Bedeutung von Directed Energy Weapons und Mikrowellen-Waffen

Directed Energy Weapons: klare Aussagen in USA / Definition
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) / Waffen mit gerichteter Energie werden in Deutschland von Sicherheitsbehörden, Polizei usw. oftmals immer noch - entgegen den Tatsachen! - als nichtexistent, Science Fiction oder Hirngespinste dargestellt und abgetan. In den USA hingegen, werden die Existenz dieser Waffen, deren Auswirkungen auf Menschen und Material sowie deren ständige Weiterentwicklungen nicht verheimlicht. Ebenso wird deutlich, dass Mikrowellen-Waffen zu dieser Waffengattung gehören. Hier ein aktuelles Beispiel welches auch als Definition geeignet ist; Auszug Department of the Air Force, 21 October 2011:
"A DEW is a system using a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy (including but not limited to lasers and high power
microwave systems), or atomic or subatomic particles primarily as a direct means to kill, injure, disable, or temporarily
incapacitate people or destroy, damage or temporarily incapacitate property or material." [www.fas.org]

Vergleiche Munzert bereits 2002: "Directed energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aimed at computers, electronical devices and persons. They have strong physical and psychological effects ..." [www.mikrowellenterror.de]

Update Dezember 2011:
China Defense Daily nennt EMP(elektromagnetische Puls)-Waffen und Mikrowellen-Waffen als technische Möglichkeiten für zukünftige Cyberauseinandersetzungen ."Offense and defense in cyber war have distinct characteristics, and they change frequently. Offensive technologies include computer viruses, EMP bombs, microwave bombs, and computer and microchip backdoors.." In: Ideas about China’s Cyber Command [blogs.cfr.org]

Bin gerade dabei mir wichtige Weltnachrichten für 2011 - gut informiert vorzustellen -, die meist auf den ersten Blick nichts mit Mikrowellen-Waffen / Directed Energy Weapons und HighTech-Verbrechen zu tun haben: Cyberwar, Iran, USA, China, Stuxnet-reloaded?, microwaving computers und der Konzern [www.findefux.de] , dann sehe ich diesen Artikel:

The future of warfare [www.washingtonpost.com] , January 2, 2011

Keine neue Enthüllung für uns, aber ein ziemlicher Augenöffner für die amerikanische Bevölkerung, das politische und militärische Amerika (US-Experten wissen das aber schon lange), auch in Hinblick auf China. Und dann noch in der Washington Post, ziemlich starker Anfang für ein Enthüllungsjahr.

"...the irrelevance of traditional land and sea power in the dawning age of combat - when weapons will include cyberattacks, space weapons, lasers, pulses and other directed-energy beams...

.. The nature of warfare is nearing another 'hinge point' attributable to the advance of technology. Just as gunpowder, cannons, airplanes, rockets and nuclear power changed the face of combat, so, too, will a new generation of weapons on the drawing boards - not just in America but also in China, India and other advanced technological nations... Japan is planning to put a directed-energy weapon on its next-generation fighter.

The reality that warfare is changing has half-dawned on the Pentagon. The Navy and Air Force in particular are developing exotic weapons systems that use every trick of science. Here are a few examples I pulled from defense publications.

The Air Force, for example, has a 'Directed Energy Directorate.' If you think 'ray guns' are just for Buck Rogers, consider this pitch from one of the directorate's publications about using gamma rays, lasers, microwaves and other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum: "Intensifying and focusing these waves can produce a variety of directed energy concepts capable of being developed into a highly effective weapons-class arsenal."

...And while we're discussing tests of spooky systems, how about an Air Force contract awarded last month to bombard computers with high-powered electromagnetic radiation, to see when they fail. The objective...is to "learn how to fry the other guy's electronics while protecting your own."

I come back to Shen, the Chinese analyst. He says that he's grateful that the United States is willing to spend so many billions of dollars to protect the sea lanes on which China depends for its global commerce. But instead of competing to build ships and tanks, he says, China will focus on the weapons that can cripple them. Somehow, we need to stop being the suckers when it comes to defense... it's time to think more about the vulnerability of existing systems...".

Und das hat mich natürlich an unser Posting von 2009 in der Washington Post erinnert: [voices.washingtonpost.com]
Open Letter to the American People
We are citizens of Germany and want to inform you that new possibilities of terror may arise from Germany. We don't want that once more there could be terror in the U. S. or other countries coming from persons or weapons from Germany!
The USA could be attacked with microwave weapons (directed energy weapons / radio frequency weapons) that are already used by perpetrators, and organized crime in Germany.
Microwave weapons and e-bombs are a real threat to people and critical infrastructures like computer networks, power grids, literally anything that works with electronics or computers. They can take down airplanes.
The German police and law enforcement don't do anything to stop the misuse and testing of these weapons by criminals.
For more information see
Best wishes from Germany
Dr. Reinhard Munzert, contact: RMunzert@t-online.de
Diplom-Engineer Rudi Zotzmann, Diplom-Engineer Henriette Zotzmann and more than 200 other German citizens.

Washington Post 1.4.2009 Obama Looks for 'Consensus' in a Turbulent World

Unser offener Brief war mehrere Tage lang die Nr. 1 bei Google News (Englisch weltweit) zu Microwave Weapons sowie Directed Energy Weapons . Google News-Search zitiert diese Stelle:
"The USA could be attacked with microwave weapons (directed energy weapons / radio frequency weapons) that are already used by perpetrators and organized crime in Germany."

Dazu bleibt zu ergänzen, dass sich bereits seit 2007 ein weiterer relevanterr Beitrag auf den Online-Seiten der Washington Post befindet:
Evidence for microwave/directed energy attacks
"...In Germany there is strong evidence for microwave attacks and research in a village in Bavaria, near Nuremberg: 9O562 Kalchreuth. There are written statements about the attacks by an engineer and expert in measurement of radio frequency. There is a report of this engineer titled: Citizens attacked with microwave weapons. There are witnesses and even inside information. These crimes are not done by Americans but by organized criminals in connection with a big German technology company!"

Aktuell warnt ein amerikanischer Cybercrime-Experte ausdrücklich vor EMP und Mikrowellenwaffen: Vortrag und Artikel: Wer hat Schuld, wenn ein Cyberkrieg verloren geht / Who will be to blame for the loss of a cyberwar? [www.scmagazineus.com]
Charles Jeter, cybercrime investigator January 6, 2011
"Today we're going to talk about cyberwarfare.... We'll also compare the hot topic of 2009 – EMP – to the even hotter hot topic of 2010 – cyberwarfare...EMP and high powered microwave (HMP) weapons offer a significant capability against electronic equipment susceptible to damage by transient power surges. This weapon generates a very short, intense energy pulse producing a transient surge of thousands of volts that kills semiconductor devices. The conventional EMP and HMP weapons can disable non-shielded electronic devices including practically any modern electronic device within the effective range of the weapon.... For the first time since the Cold War, collateral damage from threats such as EMP or cyberwarfare could very well affect a large number of civilian corporations and, in turn, affect us all... Threats don't go away because of inattention, instead they grow larger and larger."

Siehe auch Juli 2011: [www.findefux.de]

13 mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 04.01.2012 18:12 von Dr. Munzert.
Betreff Autor Angeklickt Datum/Zeit

Wichtig 2011: Das Jahr der Enthüllungen (Updates)

Dr. Munzert 8652 31.12.2010 17:57:28

Re: 2011: Das Jahr der Enthüllungen (Updates)

Lothar Stern 3180 21.07.2011 11:14:41

Re: 2011: Das Jahr der Enthüllungen

Dr. Munzert 3717 03.01.2011 16:35:23

Re: Enthüllung: 1/2011 Zunehmende Bedeutung von Mikrowellen-Waffen und Directed Energy Weapons(Update)

Dr. Munzert 4027 02.01.2011 12:40:47

Re: Enthüllung 2/2011: Theologin für Verbrecher kriminell tätig

Dr. Munzert 2826 12.05.2011 22:01:08

Re: Enthüllung 2/2011: Theologin für Verbrecher kriminell tätig

Anonymous User 2738 21.05.2011 18:30:56

Re: Enthüllung 3/2011: "Pferde"Transport-Anhänger als getarnte Waffenplattform

Dr. Munzert 2971 12.05.2011 22:06:20

Enthüllung 4/2011: Überwachung und Bekämpfung in Einem durch Mikrowellentechnik

Dr. Munzert 2916 02.08.2011 14:32:57

Re: Enthüllung 5/2011: Geocaching: vorgetäuschtes Hobby zur Tarnung von Verbrechen

Dr. Munzert 3131 18.09.2011 04:06:06

Re: Enthüllung 6/2011: Mörderische Kombinationen

Dr. Munzert 5422 18.09.2011 04:32:23

Enthüllung 7/2011 Bildgebende Verfahren: kriminelle Anwendung & Menschenversuche

Dr. Munzert 2847 03.01.2012 14:55:25

Enthüllung 8/2011: Gefährlich und unauffällig

Dr. Munzert 3093 03.01.2012 14:01:41

Re: Enthüllung 9/2011: Neue Waffengeneration im Einsatz

Dr. Munzert 2731 03.01.2012 14:14:48

Re: Enthüllung 10/2011: Das älteste Geheimnis & das letzte Tabu

Dr. Munzert 2891 03.01.2012 14:45:16

Enthüllung 11/2011: Mikrowellen-Waffen längst polizeibekannt

Dr. Munzert 2704 03.01.2012 15:03:49

Erste vorhergesagte internationale Enthüllung eingetreten

Dr. Munzert 3027 09.01.2011 22:44:52

Re: Zweite vorhergesagte internationale Enthüllung erfolgt

Dr. Munzert 3587 19.01.2011 00:10:02

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